Melioidosis: It is not Far from here


1 Chronic Respiratory Disease Research Center,

2 Clinical Tuberculosis and Epidemiology Research Center, NRITLD, Masih Daneshvari Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,

3 Tehran University of Medical Sciences ,

4 Erfan General Hospital, Tehran- Iran.

5 hronic Respiratory Disease Research Center,


In the modern world, with developed traveling facilities, tourism is an important factor in emerging new infectious diseases in non-endemic areas. Therefore, the epidemiology of infections is a considerable issue for physicians and should be taken into account. We report a case of melioidosis in a 69-year-old Iranian man during his trip to Southeast Asia. On admission, he was febrile with tachycardia and tachypnea and had diabetes mellitus and hypertension since eleven years ago. Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were performed. Blood and BAL cultures revealed heavy growth of Burkholderia pseudomallei. According to the aforementioned culture results, the patient was treated with meropenem and TMP-SMX, while other antibiotics were discontinued. After 3 weeks, the patient was discharged with stable status and normal pulmonary function; and eradication therapy with TMP-SMX continued for about 3 months. The control lung CT scan after one month demonstrated significant improvement
