Familiarity of Physicians with the Aims of Pre-Operative Anesthesia Evaluation Clinics


1 Department of Anesthesiology,

2 Lung Transplantation Research Center, NRITLD

3 Department of Anesthesiology, Labaffinejad Hospital,

4 Tracheal Disease Research Center

5 Department of Anesthesiology

6 Telemedicine Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University M.C., TEHRAN-IRAN.


Background: The role of the anaesthesiologist in the quality of care rendered to patients during the pre-operative period is well known. The role of pre-operative anesthesia clinics in providing better conditions for patients undergoing anesthesia is now well documented. This study was performed to evaluate the familiarity of Iranian physicians with the aims of anesthesia clinics 10 years after the establishment of such clinics in Iran. Materials and Methods: All physicians working in 2 university medical centers were selected. A questionnaire was given to them and answers were analyzed and interpreted by statistical methods. Results: Three-hundred forty-four Iranian physicians were questioned about their knowledge regarding anesthesia clinics out of which, 38% were faculty members, about half of them had working experience more than 10 yrs., 57.3% of them were surgeons, 27.6% of them were non-surgical clinical physicians, 6.4% were paraclinicians and the remaining were general practitioners. Forty-one percent of physicians were familiar with the aims of anesthesia clinics. Only 34% of physicians had referred patients to such clinics. The most important goals of establishment of these clinics from the physicians’ point of view were to prepare the patients for operation (71%), reduce the complications of surgery (54%), reduce the time required for preparing patients for surgery (36%) and reducing the costs (34%). Conclusion: Considering the results, it seems that a great majority of Iranian physicians are still unfamiliar with the aims of anesthesia clinics. Direct communication between anaesthesiologists and medical staff and stressing the benefits of establishing such clinics in medical congresses are beneficial and highly recommended by the authors. (Tanaffos 2008; 7(2): 58-63)
